Eminent Member
Topics: 12 / Replies: 58
8 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2526
RE: wpforo not working + visual editor

PS: Need to fix some things in database, 92 users i have on mu page i still import this number to evolve page same as posts/forum number.

8 years ago
RE: wpforo not working + visual editor

From the Support provider: "Dobrý den, zřejmě Vám v databázi chybí tabulky, konkrétně tabulka "_wpwpforo_topics", která má v sobě mít uložené příspěvk...

8 years ago
RE: wpforo not working + visual editor

Hi, After uninstall wpforo then delete plugin and clean dtb via wp-optimize i still have tables in database i delete it via phpadmin like/p> Trying in...

8 years ago
RE: wpforo not working + visual editor

Nothing.. where i can download beta-1? When i do uninstall it's uninstall tables from database too? 😉

8 years ago
RE: wpforo not working + visual editor

Okey i go now change php 7 to 5.6 version, phpBB has problem with new php too. Report soon. PS: ON MU website i have php7 i think, i try both on my pr...

8 years ago
RE: wpforo not working + visual editor

So try create a new topic, when i try it i still received an error via wpforo message at the top:

8 years ago
RE: wpforo not working + visual editor

Debug mode still be activated, wp cache still be disabled.

8 years ago
RE: wpforo not working + visual editor

I have wp in cz and 90% of forum translated too, maybe its why i dont see slug, i think you means url of forum right? 😉

8 years ago
RE: wpforo not working + visual editor

I dont know what you mean "slug". I deleted FAQ / main forum and create new one, same problem, this problem have all forums./p>

8 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 9207
RE: wpForo Beta-5 is released!

Hey, Nice update, 1) Phrase: Closed, can't be translated via po file or phrase in dashboard. 2) New Icons - Can i replace this icons? Some icons looks...

8 years ago
RE: I got everything else translated except

Hi, Just navigate to wp-admin and Menus: wp-admin/nav-menus.php. Choose wpforumNavigation and translate links:

8 years ago
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