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Topics: 1 / Replies: 6
RE: Site Profile

@robert How about create non-clickable usernames??

2 years ago
RE: Site Profile

@robert Because this is for all users when user click on his own username. When click on any other user username, opens UM profile page, Yes. BUT when...

2 years ago
RE: Site Profile

@robert This is for all users when any user click on OWN username. Maybe is possible create non-clickable usernames??

2 years ago
RE: Site Profile

@robert So here is video -br />First I just show settings... maybe something wrong with that... The I delete User and All caches, and then via incogni...

2 years ago
RE: Site Profile

@robert I have deleted User chache and All caches several times, but nothing changes. Ok I create a video for this, to show settings, and the problem.

2 years ago
RE: Site Profile

Or maybe can just remove clicklable usernames?

2 years ago
2 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 1176