Jeff V23
Jeff V23
Active Member
Topics: 4 / Replies: 5
RE: Change the post body background color

@robert Fantastic. Thank you so much!

2 years ago
RE: URL in user registration email isn't hyperlinked (clickable)

@robert Got it. That makes sense now. Thank you for clearing that up!

2 years ago
RE: URL in user registration email isn't hyperlinked (clickable)

I tried the above suggested and it didn't work. Any other suggestions? It's not a good user experience if people have to try and highlight, copy and...

2 years ago
RE: URL in user registration email isn't hyperlinked (clickable)

@tutrix so currently it says: To set your password, visit the following address: [set_password_url] ... so I just need to change that to be: ...

2 years ago
RE: wpForo and WPEngine hosting

@chris Thank you! So if I understand correctly, as long as I exclude the following data I should not have any concern about overwriting forum members ...

2 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 524