thank you again ! Your last request functions on my database (my MySQL Version is 5.5.55). But do you know why my emojy is still replaced by "???" a...
Ok I still have an error with your SQL : MySQL a répondu : #1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci' Du you know why the emoji doesn't ...
Hello I tried. I can not update the table "wp_wpforo_subscribes" I have the following error message : MySQL a répondu : #1071 - Specified key was to...
perfect ! thank you.
Okkkk. I understand now why you asked me if there was a folder wpforo in my wp them ! What about my problem of icon ? Do you have an idea ? pb-ic...
ok thank you. I will try this.
I finally succeed to delete "classic_2" and to stay with only one theme named "classic" in the directory [ wpf-themes ]. Well ... I don't understand w...
... so in the directory [ wpf-themes ], I have : - classic - classic_2 I can see the forum on the web only with "classic_2" (after deleting "class...
well ... when I display the forum, I can only see a blank page. For the moment, I can not see any other issues. For information, if I duplicate the ...
Ok I did it. But after instal, there is not theme active ... and I can not active it. cf copy screen. forum-theme.PNG
Thank you for your answer and you help. Backup is done (everyday) indeed.
Posted by: Anonymous20 Disable the plugin and DELETE IT. What seems obvious too you ... is not for everybody. What do you mean by DELETE ? ==> ...
Posted by: Anonymous20 Posted by: jerem_ Posted by: Robert Please delete wpForo and install it again. By uninstal the wpForo ... i will lose all topic...