@sofy that would be very helpful.
@tutrix I have one more question. How can I change the colour of the notification bell with the number of notifications next to it. It’s currently ora...
I have done this already. It’s changed forum posts, but not my main URL as above. function my_default_og_image( $image_url, $type ){ if( $type ...
@sofy thank you - didn't think about looking in accesses. Sorted.
@sofy I have private messaging installed. The thing is, I still don’t know who has or hasn’t logged in over a period of time and I’d have to do that m...
@tutrix sorry. I want to keep it, but wanted to change the colour.
@tutrix thanks again. I'll reach out to Pro Support.One last change. This could be toughest. I disabled wpforo sidebar because it was really bad at su...