Hey! Sorry for my late reply, but I have been on holiday for a few weeks. Coming back to this issue: I have all plugins activated on 4 sites, do ...
Notification screen Schermafbeelding-2020-08-06-om-12.00.23.png
@alvina wow perfect, thank you very much for the quick fix!!! π
@alvina Thank you very much for your reply. You can log in with: E-mail: info@gvectors.com Password: Vg(i*W3OFkb(N...
myeurohobby.eu π
Hey! First of all, thank you very much for this fix! I am glad to let you know that the problem is fixed! Thx!
@alvina thx, just sent the mail!
The for your reply. I just tried this, but I arrive directly to the main webshop reset password page.
Thx for your reply. I tried the e-mail settings, but that doesn't influence anything. The 'Replace reset password...' setting makes that I arrive...