Yes, it could be ok. The idea is to use the thumb up and thumb down/p>
SOLVED. Authors were changed in Registered (I don't know why and when). When I turned them in authors again, they disappeared from the list.
Ok thanks <3 (PS: it wasn't a feature request, but a simple question)
Did (seebut the problem remains. Where am I wrong?
I've tryed, without success, you can verify yourself in the forum/p> Can you assure me that the settings I've done are ok? Maybe I'm missing somethi...
Ahhh, beautiful! I'll await the new version
Thank you very much for the reply. Unfortunally, it doesn't work :/ Please see: Where am I wrong? a.png
Thank you for the reply - maybe I solved I've seen this discussion/p> I exported the wp-plugins-wpforo-stable-it.po file from this page/p> I upl...