Marco Panichi
Eminent Member
Topics: 6 / Replies: 12
RE: How to change upvote and downvote icons?

Yes, it could be ok. The idea is to use the thumb up and thumb down/p>

2 years ago
RE: Hide user roles from Members list

SOLVED. Authors were changed in Registered (I don't know why and when). When I turned them in authors again, they disappeared from the list.

2 years ago
RE: Integration with GetResponse

Ok thanks <3 (PS: it wasn't a feature request, but a simple question)

2 years ago
RE: Hide user roles from Members list

Did (seebut the problem remains. Where am I wrong?

2 years ago
RE: Hide user roles from Members list

I've tryed, without success, you can verify yourself in the forum/p> Can you assure me that the settings I've done are ok? Maybe I'm missing somethi...

2 years ago
RE: Member Reputation with Likes?

Ahhh, beautiful! I'll await the new version

2 years ago
RE: Hide user roles from Members list

Thank you very much for the reply. Unfortunally, it doesn't work :/ Please see: Where am I wrong?  a.png

2 years ago
maybe I solved

Thank you for the reply - maybe I solved I've seen this discussion/p> I exported the wp-plugins-wpforo-stable-it.po file from this page/p> I upl...

2 years ago