Any update about the widget colors? Im still with this issue π
I updated today, and I see you didnt add the traslation π Well... this is the update of the translation es_MX to Beta 6 π Cheers! wpForo-esMX-ver...
The wpDiscuz Emotiocns its a nice addon... but i prefer the native emojis, is more faster and friendly with the mobile devices π I keep and eye in th...
Yes, Maybe, No :P??? a reply will be nice. Cheers!
Hi Robert. The phrases are "Sticky" in spanish its "Marcado". In the file is translated, but in the forum, in the screen a upload, its no translated. ...
Yes is in the files... but not located in the frontpage π Here's a screenshot sticky.jpg
I can edit de post above... but "Unlike" is tlanslated, only missing the Topic Icons "Sticky" and "Closed". Cheers!
Version: 1.2wpForo: Beta 5Files: .mo .po Note: Still missing the "Unlike" phrase in posts and where is "%s liked" the "You"... but here's a problem......
We need a Language forum and permisions to edit own topic. :p Update Version: 1.1 wpForo: Beta 4