Trusted Member
Topics: 20 / Replies: 22
RE: Something interfering with my popup box styling (spoiler, link)

@robert I see, my forum is private at the moment. Once it's publicly launched, do you have an e-mail I can reach out to?

5 years ago
RE: Not being notified on ultimate member real time notifications

@robert I asked Ultimate Member support why I wasn't getting every notification from a user who views my profile or replies to me on wpforo multiple t...

5 years ago
RE: Not being notified on ultimate member real time notifications

I found the solution to this problem. It was actually an Ultimate member problem. Anyone having same issue can add this filter to their site. add_filt...

5 years ago
RE: Not being notified on ultimate member real time notifications

@robert Ok, I found out what the issue is. It seems like the notification is being replaced if it's from the same user. So lets say: User1 posts a rep...

5 years ago
RE: Not being notified on ultimate member real time notifications

@robert I replied using a different username but same IP. I reply multiple times to different topics but only about 25% of them show up. I'm wondering...

5 years ago
RE: Send user to last post of topic when they click on a topic on threaded mode?

@robert ohhhh, for some reason I missed that. Thank you.

5 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 785
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