@tutrix aha, thank you so much! it's finally gone!
@tutrix this looks normal, would you please tell me where can I delete it from backend?
@tutrix I got you. but it's really strange, is it a problem from wpforo theme, I'm using 2022 v1.0.0, and I also can't disable forum title from backen...
@tutrix thanks for your suggestion, where can I remove the empty widget from wpforo sidebar?
if I remove the 2 blocks, it will be very ugly. 6.png
edit page for your reference. 5.png
@dimalifragis ?v=f214a7d42e0d#this is a tracking number from search engine, I assume this is used to determine where is the user come from. yes, we ...
ok, I've disabled cache plugin now, and it still the same. the wpforo home page displayed not normal. yes, I mean the side bar is not there.
@dimalifragis thanks for your reply. we're using wp-optimize, and redid object cache is only a component of this plugin. and we have setup the cache...
screenshot 3.png
@sofy ok, thanks.
@sofy but that's a lot... is there a alias like @all which is available for admin or specific user?
@sofy Thanks. Is there a way to mention all members? 🤗