I also just noticed that a post on WPFORO also makes my pages cached by WP ROCKET disappear. So now I understand that using WPFORO poses a Problem wit...
Lol thank you but what I meant was that it is not checked
Where ? because i dont have user cache in WPROCKET
In fact, the whole cache of my site jumps when someone connects to WPFORO
I contacted my host and here is his answer: "Unfortunately, there is no such exclusion on our side.The solution would otherwise be to place you...
@dimalifragis thx but not realy helping. I would like to know what are the consequences whith the new version of WPFORO. Version 2.X
I confirm too Nouvelle-image-bitmap.bmp
@robert ok thx ! where did you update the code ? thx again
@robert thx a lot for the new update. Thx for your reactivity.
@dimalifragis yes you're right, but this version does bring some security improvements... so I'll leave it like that for now. Security first.