@sofy I understood this. I'm waiting for an update.Thanks for your support.
@sofy I haven't used the wpDiscuz plugin, but is it related?
@sofy My test site that I presented to you has not been improved yet.Will it be fixed in the next new wpforo update file?
@sofy I sent it by email. Would you please confirm.
@sofy Please see attached file. plugin.png
@sofy Usergroup Lawyer-A added a role using the User Role Editor plugin.
@sofy Please see attached file. Regards, wpforo-bug02.jpg
@blackraz Thank so much.
@robert If # is attached, the latest information will not be displayed when the user clicks.
@robert Earlier versions didn't have #. Added in latest version. Is this intentional? If not, please fix it in the next version to remove the #...
@robert I want to remove the "#" from the URL and use this URL What should I do?