Rahul Mane
Rahul Mane
Active Member
Topics: 1 / Replies: 5
RE: It is possible for User login & Registration with Mobile OTP Verification in wpForo

@amitkool21 I don't know the drawback but I faced the same issue as you.

2 years ago
RE: It is possible for User login & Registration with Mobile OTP Verification in wpForo

@amitkool21 Create a new firebase process with new Config. code and uncheck the google analytic account option.

2 years ago
RE: It is possible for User login & Registration with Mobile OTP Verification in wpForo

@amitkool21 Open the register page in incognito mode or please share your register page URL here.

2 years ago
RE: It is possible for User login & Registration with Mobile OTP Verification in wpForo

@amitkool21 I have used the plugin "Login with phone number", and now the OTP functionality working fine.

2 years ago
RE: It is possible for User login & Registration with Mobile OTP Verification in wpForo

Hello @chris, Thanks for your suggestions, I have used Mobile OTP Plugin, and now the OTP functionality working fine. 1) I want to disable the wpF...

2 years ago