I forgot to specify it, but I had already checked if it was present in the translation file. I just rechecked the PO file (with Poedit).While writing ...
I did what you advised me @robert, but that does not solve the problem, cache emptied, I even waited several days to be sure that it did not come from...
I can't solve this problem, I think it would be necessary to delete what I certainly added, but how to get there?
@RobertThank you for your reply.As I explained in my previous message, I translated by mistake and now I don't know how to delete what I added.I chang...
Thanks Robert for your response.Precisely, it was not the case, it took several hours before the topic appeared in the sitemaps, at least 4 hours... B...
I finally solved the problem and it's really stupid...I had "looped" the permissions settings too much and unchecked certain boxes that it seemed logi...
Thanks @Tutrix for trying to help me.Please tell me that I have read and re-read all the documentation, the various topics on this possible problem, b...
I didn't create this group, maybe I renamed it to try to find a solution...Could the problem come from there?The group id is 4, the default...