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Topics: 32 / Replies: 49
3 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 452
RE: could you do this design

@tutrix Yes, I have that plugin, is there a problem?

3 years ago
RE: could you do this design

@tutrix Well, it's placed there where you told me.

3 years ago
RE: could you do this design

@tutrix add your code, and still the same

3 years ago
RE: could you do this design

@dimalifragis I just removed that plugin, but it's still the same

3 years ago
RE: could you do this design

@tutrix I just did it, and it doesn't come out like the demo above, I'll pass you what you told me to do:as you can see it doesn't come out like the d...

3 years ago
RE: could you do this design

@tutrix I would like to have the demonstration as well, how to do it

3 years ago
RE: could you do this design

It is not about icons, it is about the design as mentioned above that website, use your plugin but nevertheless, the design is better that way

3 years ago
Replies: 17
Views: 895
RE: help tilde

@martín solo me interesa que no salga el mismo titulo en todas las URLS. cada URL debe tener su titulo correspondiente

3 years ago
RE: help tilde

@martín que forma seria? es que acabo de verificar y sigue saliendo el mismo titulo en todas las paginas y categiorias, ya que solo me interesa el tit...

3 years ago
RE: help tilde

si arregle, parece que era cosa del yoat seo gracias

3 years ago
RE: help tilde

el problema, es que si el titulo de la página principal sale en todos los temas, son tags duplicados, deberías saberlo. y como te menciono ese ...

3 years ago
RE: help tilde

Foro de SEO y Marketing | Foro Webmasters SEO en Español sale en todos los foros, y no debería salir en todos

3 years ago
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