Estimable Member
RE: no tengo el foro bien
@sofy Well, that does not give me the option of putting the thing to share on Facebook, and another thing, how do I make them appear on the right si...
6 years ago
RE: no tengo el foro bien
@sofy another question, I just bought the add-on for the photos videos inside the post, and when I upload the photos, they do not appear within the ...
6 years ago
RE: no tengo el foro bien
@sofy ok, but the option of facebook does not leave me, and finally to have the right sides as "recent issues" as would be done
6 years ago
RE: no tengo el foro bien
@sofy If I get that way, but if I want the right sides to come out like your official forum, what would I do? For example, at low I get to share and...
6 years ago
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