I did at first, I tried the Nextend one, but it put the login buttons under the login box and the CSS clashed with your login and registration CSS whi...
Thanks Robert! That is exactly what I am looking for.
@robert I did try this. I use a snippet plugin and added it to the overall site. It didn’t work for me. I even attempted to up the priority of the scr...
@martin Again, I don't have total control over the naming of the dev sites on this host.Obviously I can't name MY dev site dev.sitedistrict.com.dev si...
@martin that would be great... except I use a high performance host not on the "official" list, SiteDistrict. And their staging sites use the domain n...
Happy to. This is what I see when I go to the WPForo settings, topic prefix, topic fields and member fields sections of the admin. Thanks, Kim...
Couldn't you setup a new user role called something like "Exclusive" and then assign it the same abilities as reader, but then limit viewing that foru...