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Topics: 1 / Replies: 5
RE: WYSIWYG Editor for forums?

They're not even here on these forums, just the "icon bar" with bold, italic, etc. And they don't really match the theme very well.

7 years ago
RE: WYSIWYG Editor for forums?

No, the white bar with the dropdown menus.

7 years ago
RE: WYSIWYG Editor for forums?

Alright so I managed to fix it. Now I wonder, how do I remove the "address bar" ? (The banner that says File, Edit, View, Insert ... Etc)

7 years ago
RE: WYSIWYG Editor for forums?

You may be onto something. Console is saying two lines: Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not definedat Object.load_ext ((index):172)at (index):174&...

7 years ago
RE: WYSIWYG Editor for forums?

Oh yeah sorry, I suppose I should have included a picture. Basically, my editor is completely plain. There's no Tiny MCE.

7 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 3633