Thank you SamHunter and Robert for the info, I really appreciate your help. I will be sure to keep an eye on the changelog 🙂
Is this still the recommended way to add the 'Recent Posts' button to our forums? (As seen on this forum)
Worked perfectly, thank you for your support 🙂 Sidenote: I rearranged the order to allow for the hover colour to be visible on a visited link. eg: ...
Thank you for your reply, The above information was unfortunately not useful. WPforo's basic design consists and is made up mostly of 'links'. So, c...
Hi maex, I'm sorry but this is one of our paid addons. It'll not be integrated with free wpForo plugin. wpForo Emoticons addons will be available as a...
Any update on the progress of an addon for emoji's?
Im looking to find out how to underline and change the colour of all links posted in our forums, any help would be appreciated.