Thanks for the info. I updated my cache plugin settings (WP Rocket) via the information you pointed me to and it solved the problem. To be clear i add...
I already found a solution to this issue so please disregard.
Also i forgot to mention, upon opening a picture it goes to full size automatically.
@realact Just inquiring because i'm a new customer to the wpforo environment, it's been a while since I've been asking for some help on an issue wit...
@alvina Do you any update regarding my support issue. I had updated the account as requested.
@alvina Account has been updated.
@alvina user Username: wpforo Pass: forum themegasquad.com Sorry for the delay......
@alvina I didn't notice this msg before sorry. Do a need to make a standard account for you or an admin.
@alvina Thanks
While my other issue is being reviewed by you guys i'm also looking to purchase my 4th plugin for the site. How can i test it safely before releasing ...
Ok so i kinda figured out the directions. I went to my Theme OceanWP/Functions.php and did a search for 'wpforo_message_bubble' and came up with nothi...
@alvina Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. First thing, I’m not too technical and a lot things I’m are current from your support ...