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[Closed] bbpress forum to wpforo

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am currently using bbpreses forum on this   i want to move all these forum topics and replies and users to wp foro.  

i tried with this

after installation of plugin i've selected  go2wpforo>bbpress option but i got "Migrate2wpForo Notice: We can't find this board on this system  "  . how to integrate the forum details into my newsite.  

i need step by step explanation. can you help. what i need to from that site(  ) and to my new site.



5 Answers
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how to integrate ? help me out


Hi gobz004,

The bbPress must be on the same WordPres. Just install wpForo on the same WordPress and then install the Go2wpForo tool. Then start migration.

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Topic starter

should i move the forum from   to my localhost (new site) and do the migration ?  for this i need to install bbpress plugin to my newsite. am i right ?how to move properly . kindly guide me to do  


I'm sorry but i don't know how many users you have in both website and i don't know it's possible to merge or not, so i can't help you.

The simple case, if the target (local) WP doesn't have many users you can overwrite even admin user. And if the table prefix the same you can do this:

1. Install wpForo on the bbPress WordPress website, install Go2wpForo tool and perform the migration.

2. Then backup all tables with _wpforo_ prefix and the wp_users and wp_usermeta table with DROP TABLE statement then import to local WP.

If this doesn't work you should find some developer to do this migration, it's not easy to explain, it depends on tons of details.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.


This tool is designed for WPs which contains bbPress, this doesn't migrate from one WP/bbPress to another WP/wpForo, this kind of migration.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.