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[Solved] Migrate bbPress attachments to wpForo

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The current Go2wpForo migration tool is only designed for native bbPress component migration like Forums, Topics, Posts. If you've used GD bbPress Attachments plugin with bbPress you should do an extra step to bring attachments in posts. Please follow to this instruction:

1. I assume you've already used Go2wpForo tool and the migration to wpForo is already finished. Check the database table and make sure you got prefix_mg2wpforo table. Make sure it's not empty. This is the migration logging table which is used for attachments migration as well.

2. Backup all tables of your WordPress website database.

3. Download file, unzip it and upload bba2wpf.php to your WordPress website root directory. In this directory you should also see wp-config.php file.

4. Call the bba2wpf.php file in web browser ( )

5. Don't forget to delete bba2wpf.php file once migration is done.


In most cases this should do all attachments migration, you should not do any manipulation with files.



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jkw217 jkw217 30/03/2017 7:18 pm

Hey Robert, we thank you for your dedication and hard work. I hate to add more to it but there is 1 more issue, about Quoted replies on BBPRESS. See example:

This is a quote
This is reply to the quote

quote=34208 is the old topic id.

Can you create a tool to migrate quotes from BBPRESS to WPFORO.

Between the current migration tool + attachment you just made + quote migration. We may have a complete BBPRESS migration tool(s) to WPFORO.

Thank you!

5 Answers
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Posted by: bruno36


When I launch the script I arrive on a blank page ..

http:// bba2wpf.php

Here are the reasons:

  1. You don't have wp-blog-header.php file on the root of your WordPress. This file and the attachment migratior file should be on the same level in file system.
  2. You have some security plugins or server configuration which doesn't allow execute PHP files.
  3. PHP version is too low
  4. wpForo is not activated


In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.


Oh Robert! Forgot one thing about the WPFORO Attachments plugin, we bought that and the embed one yesterday. On default WPFORO attachments (without plugin) it add's to the MEDIA for WP. The attachment plugin does not have that option to add to MEDIA, we need this plugin to add to MEDIA like the default WPFORO forum does.

Can we make this possible please?


Topic starter

Hi jkw217,

Could you please open a separate topics for this issues in according forums. This topic is made for letting people know how to migrate GD bbPress Attachments plugin data to wpForo. I'm sorry but I cant answer on your questions here.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.



When I launch the script I arrive on a blank page ..

http:// bba2wpf.php


there is a script, that is said to convert the SMF attachments to the Wordpress based BBPress Forum
GD Attachment plugin:

The script to convert the attachments is here:

But is has some bugs, especially the " sign is wrong, so this must be fixed and it seems it misses
some comparison code...

Has anybody already fixed this code, so we can import the attachments from SMF also into BBPress
gd-bbpress-attachments plugin so they will display under BBPress ?

Well, I really want to move from SMF to WPForo and as there are no direct importer scripts, I must go the route from SMF to BBPress
As BBPress has a good converter from SMF for all the text postings and boards migration already build in , it only still needs a script to get all the attchements over to BBPress...

If I have then a working BBPress with Attachments, there is then a converter from WPForo to move from BBPress to WPForo including attachments...

Have somebody looked deeper into this and found a working solution for it ?

Many thanks. Regards, Stefan.