wpForo email shortc...
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[Closed] wpForo email shortcodes

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Starting from wpForo 2.0.0 version, the logic of the email shortcodes has been improved.



The red marked part of the shortcode gets the current object that the field names belong to. Those objects can be:

  • user_
  • owner_
  • forum_
  • topic_
  • post_

The green part is the field name of the database table of that object. They can be the field names of default table fields, as well as the field names created either by wpForo - User Custom Fields or wpForo - Topic Custom Fields Addons.


Example with the default field.


This shortocde will display the "title" of the "forum_" object in email content. If you check the wp_wpforo_forums table in the database, you'll see there is a "title" filed in this table as well.


Example with a custom field called "website_url".


This shortocde will display the "website_url" custom field of the "topic_" object.


Rule: _url vs _link in shortcodes

The green part of the shortcode can be url or link. E.g.

  • [forum_url] - displays not clickable URL
  • [forum_link] - displays clickable link
  • [topic_url] - displays not clickable URL
  • [topic_link] - displays clickable link
  • [post_url] - displays not clickable URL
  • [post_link] - displays clickable link


All the sortcodes mentioned above work with all wpForo email templates.

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