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[Closed] Adding certain wpForo fields onto BuddyPress

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Hi, I wonder if you can help.


I have my site set up so that the profile management is handled by BuddyPress.

This however creates the problem that certain fields specific to wpForo, such as nicename/nickname or display name aren't available to be edited.


Is there any hook I can use in a non-wpForo template to load up certain wpForo editable fields? I'd really like to avoid spending hours to study the wpForo code structure related to this if possible.




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Hi @fawp,

Sorry for the late response.

Posted by: @fawp

certain fields specific to wpForo, such as nicename/nickname or display name aren't available to be edited.

Those fields are not wpForo specific, those are WordPress fields, you need to ask BuddyPress about those fields, as they aren't taken from wpForo but from WP.

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@chris, thanks but

Posted by: @chris

Those fields are not wpForo specific, those are WordPress fields, you need to ask BuddyPress about those fields, as they aren't taken from wpForo but from WP.

Stricly speaking, this is incorrect. wpForo handles nicename/nickname and display names differently than how WordPress does:


  1. if you change nicename/nickname with WordPress' native Edit Profile option (not wpForo's), this change is not synchronized to wpForo, but if you change it in wpForo, it is synchronized back to WordPress. I tested this with wpForo v. 2.1.6 and there's a screenshot of what I mean attached.
  2. wpForo treats nickname as unique. I cannot have two users in wpForo whose nickname is '@frank' ('This nickname is already in use'). But if I use WordPress native Edit Profile option, I can have multiple users with the same nickname (again, tested in WordPress)
  3. About Display Name, WordPress uses First and Last name and then combines them to give you a few options as a dropdown on how you want your name shown. wpForo uses a simple (and better in my opinion) approach of a simple box. You just decide how your name should be shown.


So, I would understand using directly those WordPress fields if they behaved exactly like they do in wpForo but, as things stand today, they don't.

I also understand that there may be issues in nickname synchronization from WordPress to wpForo if the WordPress interface is used and two users end up with the same nickname. After all, you cannot have two wpForo users with the same handle, and you cannot force WordPress to have the same behaviour as wpForo.

But this still leaves us with the problem that WordPress and wpForo handle those fields in a different way.

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When you change the Nickname from wpForo, changes appear on wp_users tables user_nicename(@chris), mention the table is called nicename and not nickname

If you change in WordPress Profile, the changes appear in wp_usermeta tables meta_key(nickname) meta_value(@chris)

These are all WordPress Tables, not related to wpForo,

You need the plugin(BuddyPress) to make changes on the tables where wpForo does.

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@chris thanks, I see what you mean.

It's confusing that the WordPress interface seems to be using one field for two jobs?

If you update it from WP it will save it as wp_usermeta nickname but if you change the nicename with wpForo it still shows it in WordPress using the same field called nickname 🤔 

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@chris I think the confusion here stems from the fact that wpForo refers to 'nicename' as 'nickname' in the profile page, although we've established they are two different fields.


Can the label field be updated? (screenshot attached)

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What do you means saying updated?

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@chris I mean changed to something else.


We established that nickname and nicename are not the same, but the wpForo profile page label says "nickname".


It should really say "nicename".

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Try to search nicename in google the meaning. I couldn't find anything about nicenames. 😉 

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@chris you are adding to the confusion now!


These are your words

Posted by: @chris

When you change the Nickname from wpForo, changes appear on wp_users tables user_nicename(@chris), mention the table is called nicename and not nickname

If you change in WordPress Profile, the changes appear in wp_usermeta tables meta_key(nickname) meta_value(@chris)

These are all WordPress Tables, not related to wpForo,

You need the plugin(BuddyPress) to make changes on the tables where wpForo does.


This post on StackExchange also explains that nickname and nicename are two different fields.


But, in wpForo profiles, you are implying that they are the same (see screenshot from previous post).


We established

  1. nicename is stored in wp_users
  2. nickname is stored in wp_usermeta


I am asking that the label is changed from nickname to nicename.


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I'm trying to say that user may not understand the meaning of the nicename, because it's just a specific WordPress Phrase/Word, but Nickname has a meaning, it could be mention name, which says what it does.

Anyway, you always can change the Nickname Phrase by your need.

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Posted by: @chris

'm trying to say that user may not understand the meaning of the nicename, because it's just a specific WordPress Phrase/Word, but Nickname has a meaning, it could be mention name, which says what it does.

Anyway, you always can change the Nickname Phrase by your need.

@chris from my point of view there are two problems here:

  1. Terminology
  2. Updates



You're probably familiar with this

Since I read about this on wpForo, I have been led to believe that nickname and nicename were the same thing. But they are not!

wpForo profiles using nickname when the nickname field used by WordPress does actually something else is confusing.

I am not necessarily suggesting to use nicename instead of nickname, but I am asking to change it to something else to clear this confusion. Change it to 'mention name', 'handle' or whatever you like, but don't keep it as it is.



The fact that when you change the nicename in wpForo, that action also updates the (user meta) WordPress field nickname adds to the confusion.




For now, I am not going to spend more time on this, but I will come back with a new thread about this (this started about BuddyPress then morphed into this) because this confusion should be cleared once and for all.