I hope this is OK to post - first post.
I had a WordPress website built by a 3rd party and I have enough knowledge to add content and manage general housekeeping. The company who built the site do not have any experience of forums and suggested that I simply search the 'plug-in' forum to find one.
I have never installed a plug-in so is this as simply as downloading it and making the page live or does it need technical knowledge? If it needs technical knowledge, is there anywhere I can source this?
It's very easy, just install and use it.
1. Activate plugin and find the forum on website front https://yoursite.com/community/ page,
2. Manage Forums in Dashboard > Forums > Forums admin page,
3. Manage Forum Menu in Dashboard > Appearance > Menu admin page,
4. Manage Forum Widgets in Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets admin page,
5. Manage Forum Colors in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page, you can choose forum color styles.
More information in the doc: https://wpforo.com/documentation/