Hello there,
I am almost done setting up my forums and have 2 questions for a Forum with "threaded" layout (see image):
1. Is it possible to make the forum title clickable? (I find the chevron to be not self-explanatory for the average user.
2. In this specific forum I don't want to show the "latest posts". How can I achieve that?
Thank you for your support.
1. Is it possible to make the forum title clickable? (I find the chevron to be not self-explanatory for the average user.
You can customize the forum.php file of the current layout. Please read attentively this doc: https://wpforo.com/docs/wpforo-v2/forum-themes/theme-files/ You'll find more information about wpForo theme files here
For an update-safe way of customization, please refer to this documentation: https://wpforo.com/docs/wpforo-v2/forum-themes/theme-customization/
2. In this specific forum I don't want to show the "latest posts". How can I achieve that?
You can try using JavaScript code for this purpose. My recommended solution involves changing the forum icon and then removing the items using the class of the updated icon.
Any workaround for this?
Maybe ask the developers of Breakdance Plugin if there is an alternative path instead of the theme path.