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[Closed] French translation

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Sorry but the How to translate seems to be closed, so I can't post in it.

You say there are 3 options:

1- use the POT file. Can you be more specific please? What do we have to do with it?

2-proceed sentence by sentence. Well I just spent 1 hours translating with loco, so... no lol

3-upload Xml. Where to find or how to create this file?


Basically, I have a wpforo-fr-FR.po and a file that I created with loco. They're in the languages folder (with other already existant files like Es, De, etc...). What do I have to do to use them, please? The only option of the dropdown menu of the plugin's settings is English.

Any help?

Thank you

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Navigate to Dashboard > Settings and change WordPress language to France. WordPress will automatically load wpForo language files according to WordPress language.

Note: please don't post in FAQ topics, those are only for guiding purposes, you should note discuss in FAQ section.

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Joined: 9 years ago

Hi, thank you for your answer, but my wordpress is already in french. But still, the only language available in the dropdown menu of Wpforo is english..

Or can I send you the po/mo files that I made based on the loco translation of wpforo for the next update? There are plenty of mistakes and mispellings that I've corrected.


Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

Please ignore the drop-down, it's only for XML phrases. The POT (po/mo) translation system doesn't have any relation to this drop-down, just forget it.

Just change your WordPress language to French and wpForo will be loaded in French. But only those phrases which have been translated in wpforo-fr_FR.po. You can use Poedit to edit and add new translation words.


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