I want to make a new htaccsess file, but not sure how to go about doing it, without breaking my forum.
I am hoping I can speed up my site a little if i properly set it up, does anyone know any good guides I can follow to get this done? Or maybe your site has a good htaccess template I could follow?
There is a few online, but im dont want to so something wrong and kill my site, or make it slow. Any advice is massively appreciated
Don't do that, you already use Fastest cache, nothing else is needed. Have you enabled the browser option in FC?
Also i see that your Forum has no caching from FC (good) but also no optimization (since it is excluded). You better disable ANY optimization in FC settings and also use Autoptimize for optimization everywhere (forums included). You can go from 78-85 req you have now, to maybe 30 less.
And if you want real speed, a powefull server (plan or whatever) is the only real way.
Not at all. Keep FC, excude wpforo (as you already have) but disable ALL optimization options in its settings. Just CACHE nothing else.
Then install Autoptimize for all your WP. You will need to exclude some css/js probably, if interested i'm willing to help.
That way you will have caching for your NON-forum site/pages and optimizing for the whole of it.
Because as you see in the capture, the scores of speed are very low.
I dont want to look at it!!! lol 😉
I will install autotimise and turn off optimisation in FC, thanks man 🙂
Here is what i have: