After doing all that, you must clear the cache and logoff (i hope you do not cache logged IN users). Then visit your site with F12 console active and see for js or other ERRORS (not warnings, just select errors).
If you are ok, then good. If there are errors, those js (usually js but sometimes css also) must be excluded.
I have done all of that and followed your instructions πΒ
It seems a little faster, no errors as far as I can tell
I have deactivated the autoptimise and gone back to FC πΒ
I tried finiding it but i dont think they have it any more. Its called prestige plus.
I spoke with the host this morning and they said this would be a good upgradeΒ
If you have Cpanel, check your 30 days back chart for Rescource Usage. What does it say ? Where is the load? CPU? DB? Entry processes? Memory?
I will get this info to you later π Thanks again for your help