If you have Cpanel, check your 30 days back chart for Rescource Usage. What does it say ? Where is the load? CPU? DB? Entry processes? Memory?
Sorry man, I have Cpanel, and I have look, but not sure where to find the details you need
Log in to Cpanel and go to Resource Usage (in Metrics section).
In there you will see Current Usage of Today.
In TimeFrame you can select 7 days back and 30 days back.
In the results (they take 1-2 minutes to compute) you will see Cpu/Db Usage, Memory Usage, I/O Usage, etc.
Also there is a Snapshot option for the times that you have exceeded some limits.
The best is to invest a little time to learn all this. It is very very simple and easy.
For example see my Cpanel 30 days Resource Usage chart.
Can you see my several faults (5 times) ? Do you see i actually have some heavy DB usage (dark blue) ? Do you see that i have NO memory issues, since i barely use 300 mb?
When i have FAULTS i can note the day and time and go to SNAPSHOTS to see what page did that.
Yer I jsut dont find the resource usage option in metrics... maybe bandwidth is what it is on mine?