Jun 08, 2017 10:51 am
Are there two separate logins on a WP WPforo site ? One for WP and another for the forum ?
2 Replies
Jun 08, 2017 11:37 am
Are there two separate logins on a WP WPforo site ? One for WP and another for the forum ?
Only if you select so in wpForo. Login/Registrations are handled by WP script. wpForo login is just a form.
But ways both do the same job.
Jun 09, 2017 11:21 am
wpForo is a WordPress plugin. It's not a stand-alone forum with some bridge. This is the main advantage of wpForo over all other forum platforms. It's fully integrated with WordPress User and User Authorization system. Login forms are the same, only views and HTMLs are different. You can use one of them or even the 3rd by other WP profile plugins (BuddyPress, Ultimate Members...)