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[Closed] Migration from other forum software

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We are considering migrating from our current support forum that uses to wpForo but don't see a couple of features we need - but I may be missing something!  1) Our current process is that when new members join our club's website, they are manually added to our forum via their Direct Add feature.  This is cumbersome and often difficult to keep in sync so I would like to be able to just have all members of our website automatically added to wpForo.  Is this possible?

2) When new members are added, they are set to get notified of new topics daily (Summary listing).  If they wish to change their setting to get notified immediately when a new topic is posted, or not get notified at all, or even unsubscribe from the forum altogether, they can do so.  Is this possible?



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Hi @jazzper,

wpForo by itself doesn't have its own Users, it's all WordPress Users. So all users of WordPress are going to be wpForo Users(have wpForo Profile page).

Users have “Subscriptions” Tab in their Profile Page where they can manage their Subscriptions.

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I'm sorry if I'm missing something obvious but....

In reading the documentation under Settings->Login & Registration, it says "wpForo is one of the very rare plugins which has its own user registration and login pages. Both features are based on WordPress functions. Here you can control user registration, account approval and deleting settings. "

I then tried to find more info regarding user registration under the documentation's Members and its Admins & Moderators sections but those are still under construction.

With I don't have to ask our club's website members to subscribe or join.  All members of our website are manually added to our main forum.  I don't want to have to ask each of our over 1,000 members to have to subscribe.  I'd just like them to automatically be able to see the forum when they login to our website.

Is this is the realm of possible?

I'd also like them to be automatically notified when someone posts a new message.  With members are set up with a Daily Summary of the messages posted when they are initially added.  They have the option to turn that off or to be notified immediately when new messages are posted.

Is this type of email notification system available?

Thanks again for your help.  I really haven't tried setting this up and configuring it on my staging website yet -- still crawling thru the documentation-;) 🤔 

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Logins / Registrations / Emails are all handled by Wordpress and not wpForo. So everyone that registers as member, becomes a universal member for your site and of cource wpForo.

No daily email summary option is available.

Due to GDPR users have to activate subscribe or not to whatever forum or topic they want. And also there is an option to even validate via email their subscription (useless imho).

Also you as the admin, in wpForo settings, you have the option to automatically subscribe a user when opens a topic or replies. Or to ask the user to subscribe or not.