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[Closed] Order of translation

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Stefan, I believe that the procedures are to get the official files from wpForo, translate and submit them back and wpForo will include them in the next release. That is the only way to sync all translations in the official releases. Therefor, and with all due respect and your will to help, I've rejected your solution. In order for things to work and get support I do not alter anything unless approve and/or recommended by the developers. 

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So, my quick solution is the front phrase editor and once the "official" language file is updated I have to remove the front end translation unless if I like mine over the official.

Did I get it? 

Thank you @Robert

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If there is a translation partially done (45%) with Loco or PO Edit, and someone started translation on translate.wordpress.somewhere for version 1.1.5 (current in this example) and the new version should be (let say 1.2.0), which one of the translations will remain on my domain after the update - those done by the owner of the domain or those taken from translate.wordpress ?

Using Loco is not a correct way. Because it's like a local customization, it'll be removed on new version update. If you use Loco, you should do a complete translation and leave it here or send it to support[at] email address. We'll add it in next version and you'll get it with new update.

So, my quick solution is the front phrase editor and once the "official" language file is updated I have to remove the front end translation unless if I like mine over the official.

If you don't upload a new XML and you use current English to translate you'll not have to remove it. New phrases will be added automaticaly, and you'll be able to edit and translate new phrases too.

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Using Loco is not a correct way.

No idea how you cooperate with other team members at, probably you know them personally, but I reject to work with bots on the mass translation service provided by WordPress.

If is done with Loco or POEditor (windows desktop) and archived (backup) before each update, is there a problem with the translation ?


Still, if the translation is done with 3rd party tool/plugin (your way for making complete translation is awful, that's the only down side of wpForo so far), will it stay on plugin update or not ?

And as I mentioned already, don't plan to release it to public for free for a while....

There will be never "official" translation 🙂 Prefer mine to remain unofficial, not grouping with idiots using Google and Bing Translators, WordPress core Bulgarian translation is most "amazing" work you can see ever, done by 3-4 different translations without dictionary for the common WP terminology, full with pseudo translated strings by Google.


Thanks for assistance.

Edit: Wow, 2nd downside... no use of common BBCodes...

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I think it's already well explained here:

Please read wpForo translation options.

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