If is done with Loco or POEditor (windows desktop) and archived (backup) before each update, is there a problem with the translation ?
I don't see any issue, the only issue is spending time on each update. If the po/mo is pubic all can help to update it on each update
Edit: Wow, 2nd downside... no use of common BBCodes...
At the moment there are two options to quote. The bbCode is not available yet. More info here (scroll down to Quote section): https://wpforo.com/docs/root/topics-posts/new-post-reply-comment-quote/
If is done with Loco or POEditor (windows desktop) and archived (backup) before each update, is there a problem with the translation ?
I don't see any issue, the only issue is spending time on each update. If the po/mo is pubic all can help to update it on each update
If translation is done, others will help with what ? Got team of professionals - Editors, Reviewers and none of them is using Google or Bing translation services.
But thanks anyway for the tips
I've added my translation to: https://translate.wordpress.org , there is a need for an editor to confirm my translation.
I've translated the front-end part and only part of the back-end.
There are still a few phrases missing there in order for me to translate.
Just let me know your wordpress.org account @nickname and the language you want to manage for wpForo. We'll add new PTE requests here: https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/?s=wpforo