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[Closed] Social Sharing for wpForo

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I know this one has been "done to death", but I really needed something that would work in terms of capturing the entire URL for sharing. Based on this, I have a prototype over on my forum -

There are three social media icons on the right. Clicking each of these will grab the URL of the page, enabling you to share whichever forum you are looking at. Typical WordPress plugins rely on CPT, which wpForo does not support - this fills the gap very well.

Not finished yet, but I'll publish the shortcode here (when I'm finished) along with the CSS 🙂

Let me know if any interest... this will support multiple social media channels when I'm finished.

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These share icons are not GDPR-compliant tho because they create a connection to these platforms immediately and without user consent.

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Posted by: Florian

These share icons are not GDPR-compliant tho because they create a connection to these platforms immediately and without user consent.

That's not true at all. All the buttons do is is open a link to the sharing URL for the relevant platform. You'd have to login to that platform and by definition, you are then giving consent . You can opt out by simply not logging in. 

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Being logged in on Twitter doesn't permit your website to let Twitter set cookies and track the user there.

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It does if you specifically set this out in your privacy policy which the user must accept when signing up for your site. If that really is the case then virtually every single website I can think of is in violation of GDPR which I know they aren't because of the privacy policy.

This isn't even implied consent. You have full control over what you are posting, not the site where it came from. If the posting took place without you confirming it, which it doesn't, then that would be a violation.

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The GDPR doesn't permit to block the user out of your service just because he doesn't accept tracking.

You must give him access to the forum while still letting him decide if he wants to allow tracking.

Indeed most websites are not compliant because there haven't been a lot of penalties yet.

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My original point still applies. You have control over what your send to the social network. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc don't ask you for your consent before you login. It's not implied either as you agreed to the privacy policy.

It's only a violation if you don't specifically state this or the user doesn't accept and you do this without consent. Your site isn't placing anything on your PC in terms of cookies, but the remote site is.

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It's pretty simple, really. You are not allowed to set tracking cookies without user consent or another justification (none of which would probably hold for a sharing functionality)

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I'm not. The cookie isn't issued by my site, but the remote site .

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This is a common misconception, You are 100% responsible for any cookies set on your site by external parties. 

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One again, it's not set on my site. It's set by the remote site. I am not issuing the cookie. All I do I provide a link for a user to publish a URL from my site onto a social network. That does not constitute non compliance with the gdpr

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It is set on your site, check your cookies (with sharing enabled). Also, please read up on the basics of cookies and GDPR.

This will be my last post in this discussion since everything has been said. 

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That's quite a rude response @florian and totally unnecessary. Sharing content from one website onto social media doesn't collect information about that user unless you've specifically set it that way. If your privacy policy states the information you collect, which mine does, then there's nothing more to do . The user remains in full control of what they post. 

I'll leave the conversation at that

If anyone is actually interested in the original point of this post rather than force an opinion, then I'm happy to have that discussion. 

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As a final point, the link that @florian provided is also in violation of GDPR then as it works in exactly the same way as my site.