Prompt, please, in a folder /wpforo/wpf-langouages there are files wpforo-ru_RU.mo and wpforo-ru_RU.po and there all lines are translated. When I tear off the software file I make the changes copy back then my changes do not apply, why?
Also, how can I find and translate all the other lines?
I can not understand why lines are not translated? Here's a look at the screenshots, I did everything and there is no result ...
Tell me please
Prompt, please, in a folder /wpforo/wpf-langouages there are files wpforo-ru_RU.mo and wpforo-ru_RU.po and there all lines are translated. When I tear off the software file I make the changes copy back then my changes do not apply, why?
Please never do this. Your changes will be removed after next update. Use wpForo Phrases instead (Forums > Phrases). This may have cache issue. Deactivate wpForo and activate it again, delete all caches then delete wpForo cache in Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page.