Forum or Post Titles are not Working
screenshot Attach please Check and Solve the issue
Hi Chottabeam,
As you can see here, there is no any issue so we have nothing to fix in this case.
The breadcrumb works correct, it cuts long titles and shows dots. The [sticky] or [closed] prefixes are not title parts, they are being added only on topic page before topic title. All all is correct with breadcrumb topic title.
As per meta title on browser tab. This is not wpForo issue, this is a plugin conflict. Try to deactivate your SEO plugin and check it again. And let us know which plugin you use for SEO. We'll check it and try to make those compatible with each other.
Yoast SEO Plugin is use in our Website.....
Any Solution ??
Meta title Work with SEO plugin ???????????
There is no solution yet, this is conflict with Yoast SEO, try to deactivate it and you'll see all becomes good. We'll work around this conflict in future release.