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[Closed] Translation and some suggestions

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Hi, wpForo team!

Thank you for this forum! It looks like to be the best forum decision for today!

First of all I’d like to give you Ukrainian localization that I’ve translated (.po and .mo files in attachment).

And I’d like to say some suggestions to you.

Well, I’ve used before an independent forum software phpBB, but have had to change it by other forum because it uses old version of php and Google Console says that there are too small fonts on mobile devises (I hope it won’t say the same because of wpForo fonts). And when I’ve installed wpForo and have been setting it (it wasn’t in menu already, there were phpBB, so nobody cold know it’s exist), some users have registred in it and some of them have published spam. So evidently they were robots, not people. I had many spam abuse in my phpBB forum in other website before, but there were option to make personal spam control, and when I used it, no spamers were registered any more. It’s very simple: I wrote my own question, and the people when register had to answer it. The spam robots learned to pass standart spam controls, but isn’t possible to pass a personal answer because every forum owner make it different. So it’ll be really great if you add the same possibility to wpForo.

And why you don’t allow use other spam defender, not only Akismet?

Besides of that, it’ll be very useful if it’s possible to place button "contact with the forum admin" on the top or in the bottom of every Forum page. When user can’t register, how he can write to the admin? If he haven’t created his profile already? And now such button is only on the user profile on the Accounts section. And I’d like to add two images on all Forum pages (flags of two other languages to pass directly to the Forum in other languages). Is there any possibility to make it? Now I’ve placed it on admin message only on main page, because this message is too big to place it on all the pages. So it’ll be very convenient if there is possible to add them through other field on all pages. I suppose that other Forum owners may need such field for place other text or image.

Moreover some text remains not translated, for example, the menu (I add the screenshot) although I’ve translated whole the language file. I’ve found such text in Phrases and translated them, but nothing changed.

Thank you!

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Oh, I've discovered that only 1 file is possible to attach! It'll be a good idea to allow to attach more files!

And it'll be convenient to make a preview to see how is the message before send it.

I tried to attach files .po and .mo, but it don't allow to do it. How can I send them to you?

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Thank you @olena,

Posted by: @olena

And why you don’t allow use other spam defender, not only Akismet?

wpForo Login and Register forms are created to allow all Antispam plugins hook and work with wpForo. Nobody says you should only use Askismet. Firs you should enable wpForo built-in reCAPTCAH in Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Antispam Tab. This will stop 99% of your spam. Then you can use other WordPress plugins.

Posted by: @olena

Besides of that, it’ll be very useful if it’s possible to place button "contact with the forum admin" on the top or in the bottom of every Forum page.

You can add or customize any forum page using wpForo template files. Please read the documentation:


Posted by: @olena

Moreover some text remains not translated, for example, the menu (I add the screenshot) although I’ve translated whole the language file. I’ve found such text in Phrases and translated them, but nothing changed.

I recommend read wpForo documentation, because I see most of important features and settings you don't find yet. Menus are very easy to translate, because those are simple menus, you just need to edit menus in standard Menu admin page and change menu labels to your language. More info in doc:


Posted by: @olena

Oh, I've discovered that only 1 file is possible to attach! It'll be a good idea to allow to attach more files!

This is available in wpForo Advanced Attachment addon. Please check it here:


Posted by: @olena

And it'll be convenient to make a preview to see how is the message before send it.

It'll available in next version with the free core wpForo plugin by end of this month.


Posted by: @olena

I tried to attach files .po and .mo, but it don't allow to do it. How can I send them to you?

Thank you very much for your contribution. You should put those in a folder, zip it and attach with a post.

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Hi, Robert!

Thank you for your answer.

Posted by: @robert

I recommend read wpForo documentation, because I see most of important features and settings you don't find yet.


You can add or customize any forum page using wpForo template files. Please read the documentation:

I'm sorry if I don't understad something. Thank for your suggestions, I'll try to customize it as it's explaned.

wpForo Login and Register forms are created to allow all Antispam plugins hook and work with wpForo. Nobody says you should only use Askismet. Firs you should enable wpForo built-in reCAPTCAH in Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Antispam Tab. This will stop 99% of your spam. Then you can use other WordPress plugins.

Perhaps I thought that Akismet was requiered for wpForo works well because of the announce in the section you've mentioned (in attachment).

And individual question stops to rotobots-spammers at 100%

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And here you are Ukrainian localization