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New Feature [Closed] What is the next big surprise in WPforo?

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Many of my users have said the site is OK on mobile, but it could be better. If wpforo is going to be at all anyway competitive with other forum software, we need a mobile app!!! Or, at the very least we need to be able to get onto tapatalk, but we know that's not going to happen. 

I have seen people ask for mobile app many times over the 5 years I have been using this software, its shocking we still don't have one.

All of the things mentioned above in regard to updates doesn't really do anything.... there are no major changes there when it comes to user experience. What we need is a mobile app. Nothing else will do. 

I have been using this software with many add ons for many years. My licence have expired now, and I need to renew. But I really don't see the point at this stage, there is nothing new being offered that is worth the upgrades..... Ill say again.... WE NEED A MOBILE APP!!! 

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Posted by: @percysgrowroom


Oh h**l no. Anything but that dumpster fire.

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@verek Yer its c**p. But something similar so people can have a better mobile experience of the forums would be good. Personally, I think the forums are ok on mobile. But many of my users do not. Many of them only use mobile to get onto the site and its not user friendly enough so they dont stick around for long. We need a mobile alternative

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I don't know man, an input text box is an input text box, they are all the same and as long as everything scales and resizes correctly to tiny screens it's fine by me. Gvectors could develop a fancy mobile app but I sincerely doubt it will improve forum engagement beyond the usual dumb smilies and likes. Forums are a different beast to SM, forums require longform text, grammar, full sentences, paragraphs  - fully structured content, something a tiny 6-8" screen and minuscule screen keyboard will never excel at. I have seen it time and again, users clamouring for a mobile forum app and which is then provided, once prolific posters suddenly stop and their engagement is reduced to the usual stupid lols, like and the occasional smiley. On the very few occasions I have witnessed mobile users stay prolific and post good content, they have attached a BT keyboard and a mouse to their phone. 

One thing Tapatalk is good at is grouping all the forums you are member of (assuming they have the plugin installed or are part TT groups) under one convenient app for ease of access and centralised notifications. Otherwise, a text input box is a text input box.....

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@verek Youre preaching to the choir bro, I know this, but many of my users do not like the mobile format of the forums. They would like an app, and at the end of the day, we have to listen to the people who use our websites. A mobile app is needed IMO. Even if it is pretty much the same as the site now. Having that app on thier phones that can get you onto the forums and give a better UX would be great. Many people here have asked for it too. 

So whilst we might be happy with the way things are, many users are not, and we have to try and keep everyone happy and be competitive against other forums. Many forums can be operated via a mobile app, wpforo can not, and that needs to be addressed. 

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Would be nice though

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Hi @percysgrowroom, @verek and @tufifteen,

There are several solutions for converting a WordPress site into a mobile app. This is why we have assigned a lower priority to developing the wpForo mobile app on our to-do list. Here is a good example os such a service, it create Mobile APP for your website for all Mobile OS's:

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@robert I looked into this over the weekend, and TBH< it looks a bit c**p....

It just takes what the website looks like on any phone browser, and puts it into an app. It doesn't change anything, just removes the browser software form the situation put everything is the same.....

This won't improve the situation much IMO. We need something that changes the layout of the forum on mobile a little. More like the way apps like tapa talk displays forums, that would work great! But that site you posted isn't what I am looking for, im sure many others would agree. 

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Just bumping this to remind the devs that some kind of mobile app would be great 🙂 Please make this happen! 

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