Honorable Member
Topics: 49 / Replies: 472
RE: WPForo Help

Actually trivial to achieve with the Redirection plugin -/p>

3 months ago
RE: Please consider "Recent Posts" link/button at the top

@ffooccuuss Good job on having a staging site; it's how most of us learn how to fix things or mod software to our liking. Remember, this edit wil...

3 months ago
RE: Please consider "Recent Posts" link/button at the top

You can add /%wpforo-recent%/ to your wpForo menu easily enough - and name the menu item whatever you like. If you are adept at file edits you can a...

3 months ago
RE: Finding Private Topics later

@sison2466 @sofy This is a bug in wpForo. You as the topic starter should be able to see your own Private Topic but you currently you cannot. I d...

3 months ago
RE: Members default landing

@danno6116 Perhaps the simplest would be in Dashboard-wpForo-Settings-Login & Registration There are some custom redirects available in there...

3 months ago
RE: Moderators error "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page"

@ffooccuuss And what does your Dashboard-wpForo-Accesses-Moderator access say?

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

@percysgrowroom wpForo does not work with V3 as far as I know. You could disable JS minify completely in Litespeed or start a support topic at the ...

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

Also, instead of an URL exclude try a keyword like wpforo or sign-up or wpforo-register in JS exclude & defer JS exclude in Litespeed

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

@percysgrowroom Have you got any JS and CSS combining going on in Litespeed Cache?

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

Yeah, not a fan of Litespeed. Rather than lose new signups I would turn reCAPTCHA off for wpForo. The security reCAPTCHA supposedly adds is negligib...

3 months ago
RE: How to remove Topic Tags feature

@furkangunes04 Dashboard-wpForo-Boards-Edit-Topic Tags > set to disable>save  board_modules.png

3 months ago
RE: How to remove Topic Tags feature

Dashboard-wpForo-Boards  dashboard_wpForo_board.png

3 months ago
RE: Recapcha not working

And you have checked the settings in the Dashboard and also the Google reCAPTCHA console?

3 months ago
RE: How to remove Topic Tags feature

@furkangunes04 Dashboard-wpForo-Boards-Edit-Topic Tags > set to disable>save

3 months ago
RE: Where is the "Social Share" setting?

@ffooccuuss First you need to enable social sharing in Dashboard-wpForo-Boards-(edit) set Social Share to enabled and save. Then go to Dashboard-w...

3 months ago
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