How much longer, minimum, are we going to have to wait for 2.0, one month, 2? Can we get some realistic estimates on time of arrival please? I know these things take a lot of time, but we have been waiting for close to a year now guys, and the self imposed deadline you guys have told us about have been moved and missed many times.
I just want to know realistically when it is coming so I can decide if it is worth making changes to my site, or wait for 2.0. I dont want to redesign my homepage with pics of the forum, to thn have to redo it all because 2.0 finally showed up....
I appreciate all the work you guys must be doing in the background to bring us this update. But is it worth me waiting longer, or should I just go ahead and make the changes i need because we are still a couple of months away from seeing a solid update?
Hi @percysgrowroom,
Please read this topic: