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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Moderator Users and customers will not able to Edit topics

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Moderator Users and customers will not able to Edit topis. I also give these users to edit topic permission but it will not working. Please check and help me to fix it ASAP

Thanks in advance 🙂

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Not sure if this problem you have is related or not, but press F12 and see 3+ js errors or conflicts you have in the forum page (and maybe everywhere).


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@anonymous20 Yes I checked and I also disable the plugins due to these js error occurs but after that same issue edit functionality not working for moderator and customer case.
But if this issue is due to js then why edit functionality working for admin user?
Can you please check or if need username password then I will provide you. Kindly share your email.


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We checked and found very interesting problem on your website. For some reason your forum loads very old JS files, but it's the 1.7.0 version. So, let me know, have you done any customization? Or have you any CSN or cache services? You're running the latest version of wpForo with an old JS files. This is something very strange. The JS validation doesn't work so the edit process stops. Please delete all caches and purge CDN if you have.

Also, I recommend, disable wpForo, delete it and install it again. If you have inserted wpForo JS files directly in your theme header or footer files, please remove all those.



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@robert Thanks Now my forum working smoothly. But after update latest ajax.php  it show error on console "wpf_tags.suggest  .suggest() is not function or undefined"
I commented this function and then it will working fine.


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This error comes if you have two jQuery libs loaded or other JS errors.


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@robert Ok thankyou so much. 🙂


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Hi @robert

When I clicked on report button then it will not opened and in console it show .dialog() is not function. PLease let me know how to fix it

Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).dialog is not a function

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Hi @robert

When I clicked on report button then it will not opened and in console it show .dialog() is not function. PLease let me know how to fix it

Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).dialog is not a function

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Please delete all caches again, delete all optimizer and minifier solutions cache and go to forum front-end and press Ctrl+F5 twice.

Then fix your JS errors. Your errors affect all wpForo JS functions. Currently, I see errors from 2code-event-schedule plugin. And another error from some script:



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I checked and disabled plugins but these js have no issue .
Main issue is wpformo ajax.js
Click on report and then check this error.

Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).dialog is not a function

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Please always keep disabled the 2code-event-schedule plugin when you have an issue with wpForo and when you're asking us to help you.

Also, I see that your forum is not updated, I see all css and js files are 1.7.0 version. Please update wpForo to just released 1.7.1 version and delete all caches.


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