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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] My site seems to be loading slower since the recent update.

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And also:Β 

SELECTΒ count(*)
FROMΒ `wp_3cy42zznwz_wpforo_posts`
WHEREΒ `wp_3cy42zznwz_wpforo_posts`.`postid` > 33230


And Wpforo activites seems to be a common problem:

FROMΒ wp_3cy42zznwz_wpforo_activity
WHEREΒ `itemtype` = 'alert'
ANDΒ `userid` = 167
ANDΒ `type`Β NOTΒ IN('new_like')


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I think i may have sorted this. There was a spike in database queries or something causing the memory to spike. Im still not sure what caused it but i think everythingis working fine now....Β 


Any ideas?Β 

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No, this hasn't worked, I am still having issues with slow queries, mainly from the likes and posts databases i think??Β 

It seems as if something is sending alot of database queiries to the server causing hi CPU.Β 

I use most of the add ons for wpforo, could it be something wrong with one of those?

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  1. wpForoPost->get_post_likes_count()

This is a common one, does this help at all?

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I'd recommend change the wp_wpforo_likes table engine to MyISAM.

Also, I'd recommend delete all rows (truncate table) in wp_wpforo_activity table, it'll remove all bell notifications and topic/post editing logs. So It's a good idea to refresh that table. It seems it has become very large. You can backup both tables before the manipulation.

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Posts: 1213

@robert Awesome, thanks Robert, do you have a guide any where on how to do this mate?

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Ok, I found that table, what exacltey should i do when im in there mate?

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