Ok got it .. on very last question I promise .. What I wanna have WpForo login form in the home page , there is no option for that now ? I don't want a login in button , I want a form ? let me know
IF NOT , and if I decided to go with the WpForo login link on home page ? u said something about
/%wpforo-login%/ what is that ? where does it go ?
Ok got it .. on very last question I promise .. What I wanna have WpForo login form in the home page , there is no option for that now ? I don't want a login in button , I want a form ? let me know
If you select the wpForo Login, AND you want it to appear on your Main Home Page, you will have to create your own customized wpForo LogIn Form for that, if you know how.
wpForo, right out of the box, creates its own wpForo Menu links for that already.
IF NOT , and if I decided to go with the WpForo login link on home page ? u said something about
/%wpforo-login%/ what is that ? where does it go ?
The /%wpforo-login%/ code is already explained in the link I posted on the earlier response. It takes me time to actually type responses, so if you need help from me, please at least READ the suggestions, so I don't have to retype it.
More info on that is here:
If you want a LOGIN LINK this time to your MAIN HOME PAGE LINKS, you can simply add a Customized Link.
Here are screenshots I took, since I earlier asked you what your URL was so I can take a look and make the suggestions.
If you want to add a wpForo Link to appear on your Main Page, here's how.