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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] How to Do a Hard Refresh - How to Clear Your Cache or How to Clear Cookies on your Desktop PC or Laptop

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I posted this in our Forum and thought to share it here, too.  (So it shows up in Search Results, in case someone doesn't know how to do it, feel free to copy and paste into your own Forum to help your Forum Members 🙂 ). 


How to Do a Hard Refresh - How to Clear Your Cache or How to Clear Cookies on your Desktop PC or Laptop

If you are using Windows Internet Explorer, do a "hard refresh", by pressing "Control + F5". 

If you are using Firefox or Chrome, on a Mac, press “Cmd (Apple) + Shift + R

If you are using Safari, go to Safari > Empty Cache, or press "Option+⌘+E".  To refresh, click the refresh button on the address or URL bar, or press "⌘+R".

If you are viewing the website from a Mobile Phone, Mobile browser caches are very hard caches, meaning they "stick their cookies in mobile devices" and it will not remove itself.  Cookies can stay in mobile devices (or PCs) for as long as one year or more, unless you know how to remove these cookies, which can fire up each time you are connected to the internet.  Cookies have expiration dates, and some stay in your system even if they have expired.   

The quickest way to clear the cache on a Mobile Device is using a private session (incognito mode).  If you want to see the latest version of the page, then just open a  new private session. That "quick" technique is only good if you are testing a website, but if you are wanting "security on your device", learning how to erase the cookies from your mobile device is a good way to go. 

In Mobile Devices, there are specific (and different) steps to clear cookies on Androids and on iPhones or iPads - usually in the "General Settings" > "Privacy" of your mobile device (each Operating System OS has its own). And you can google "How to remove cookies from my Mobile Phone", too.  🙂 

P.S. Feel free to share with others.  

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Thank you CrisW! 🙂