Hi all, I want to embed some code, so an embedded chat box appears above the main forum, on my forum front page:
So it will appear under the menu, but above the forum boxes, and within the side bar.
I have the code to embed, I just don't know where to put it, will I have to edit theme files for Wforro?
Hi @percysgrowroom,
I'm sorry but I can't follow you. How can something be located in forum boxes and in the same time in the sidebar. So where exactly you'd like to locate it?
Yer i understand that wasn't clear, maybe this pic will help:
If i add the chat box code, above the Wpforro short code, it will show as full width, like the blue box in this picture
I need to embed it into the wpforro code, so it site within the side bars, like the red box does 🙂 HOpe this helps explain what I mean