When I press "approve" on a topic it redirects to an empty Topic and Post Moderation page. The topic never gets approved - I am main admin. Please advise.
My forum is here: http://www.hihopes.co.za/wp/community/main-forum/testing-for-hearing-difficulties/
Thank you, Craig
Hi KZNCraig,
Please make sure this is not topic/post specific issue. Delete it, or create a new topic and test it again.
Also please put this CSS code in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles > Custom CSS Code textarea, then delete all caches and do Ctrl+F5. This CSS will remove orange backgrounds of all icons:
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .fa{ background: transparent!important;}
Thank you.
It was the very first topic (test topic ) that WP admin could not approve. I signed in as an additional admin and managed to approve.
Just did a secondary test topic and was able to approve it as wp admin. So all seems ok.
@Anonymous20 - thanks for the CSS tip.
@Anonymous20 - thanks for the CSS tip.
Not a CSS tip !! It is your PHP version i'm talking about.