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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Admin cant access dashboard

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If i make some one forum admin, they cant get into the dashboard unless i have the "show admin bar" clicked. 

This leaves a redundant menu at the top for all of my other users. when i only need the menu for one member. 

Unless I make a member full admin of the whole site, the pretty much cant do anything different than a moderator.

They cant add badges to members either. 

Is there something im doing wrong? How do admin of the forum only access the dashboard? 

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Posts: 281
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Joined: 7 years ago
Posted by: @percysgrowroom

If i make some one forum admin, (1) they cant get into the dashboard unless i have the "show admin bar" clicked. 

This leaves a redundant menu at the top for all of my other users. when i only need the menu for one member. 

Unless I make a member full admin of the whole site, the pretty much cant do anything different than a moderator.

They cant add badges to members either. 

Is there something im doing wrong? (2) How do admin of the forum only access the dashboard? 

Hi @percysgrowroom 

(1) The Show Admin Bar for Members in the Forum > Settings > Features tab doesn't affect the way the Admin Bar displays for website admins.  

(2) If I am understanding the question correctly, are you wanting to give this other person Admin privileges (as in Full control of what can be done on your website)?  

If YES to #2, I can share my experiences on that.  It can be a problematic move because some of them might not be as familiar with the way the forum works, like the first admin (Super Admin account = YOU 🙂 ) would have, and this other admin is bound to make trial and error moves or mistakes, unless you train that person well with "how to documentations" on your forum.     

And if I may suggest, just create another User Group for that specific individual only, a role that is between an "Admin" and a "Moderator", following the wpForo Documentation below with reference to: 

User Groups and Permissions


(2) Also, you can double check your settings as described below, if you want that individual to be an administrator


Forum Administrators


Hope this helps.  Good luck and God bless you!  🙂