I had a problem and had to reinstall my entire site.
But after resetting, all the forum topics have disappeared, but they are still in the database.
If I do a repair from wpforo, it creates new tables already existing by numbering them to 3 but it don't resolve the problem.
If I put the code to phpmyadmin, as they ask in support in wpforo sql, I have error message.
I'd had this problem before, and had found an explanation to solve it.
I had to go into the database, find a table, and just change a number as I remembered.
But I can't find this help page anymore, and bitterly regret not having saved it somewhere, I may have done so, but I can't find it.
That is, if anyone can help me solve this problem.
Thanks a lot!
I search and I search but don't find the solution I find before, like the page who help me last time I had this problem were deleted.
And no support in this forum!
I'll try on wordpress
I had to go into the database, find a table, and just change a number as I remembered.
you are probably looking for this!
Please install phpMyAdmin plugin or use the same tool in your hosting cPanel to access your database. Then find the wp_wpforo_boards table. Edit the row and set 0 the boardid field for that row.
The go Dashboard > wpForo > Overview admin page, scroll down, find [Delete all caches] button and click it.