I installwpforo very easy, I create Main Topic, users and more. But when one user try to add new topic or see the list of member or view profile, the URL display BLOG page.
This is my forum page.
Could you help me to solve my problem?
I think this is a conflict with multi-language URL paths. We can't help you without admin access. Please send admin login details to support[at]gvectors.com email address.
We found the problem. You've deleted the wpForo page. wpForo creates a specific page on activation. Please don't delete that age. We deactivated and activated plugin and all works fine now, forum page is re-created.
Thanks you, now work excelent
If you don't have other issues related wpForo and you don't mind, please leave some good review for wpForo on plugin review section: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wpforo/reviews/?filter=5
We'd really appreciate it. It's very important for us.